Hello, it's Me

Krinal mistri

And I am a


About Me

full-stck Devloper

Hello, my name is krinal and I am full-stck devloper. To create a attractive and responsive websites.

name : krinal suthar
Adderss : Mehsana
E-mail : sutharkrinal22@gmail.com

My Skills


  • HTML
  • Css
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • React.js


  • MongoDB
  • MySQL

Latest Project


wanderLust - The rental property

This web site is the based on the rental property. Make Front-end in HTML,CSS,Bootstrap and Back-end in Node.js and DataBase usrd is MongoDB.



Make the TODO-LIST using HTML, CSS and JavaScript for store the task. Also add and delete the tasks. Also check the github Repository...



Create the weather-App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Weather-API. We can search the different state's current weather description like Temperature, Humidity, Wind speed and current date & time with different images. Also check the github Repository...



Create the spotify clone using HTML and CSS. With the basic features to be implemented, Also check the github Repository...


Simino Game

Create the famous Simon_Game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript , Also check the github Repository...

Contect Me!